Vinyl flooring comes with many advantages – to start with, it is highly practical, looks great and is low cost compared to some other options. Vinyl flooring is so tough that is is often the go to in industry as well. Before going for a floor option, you need to consider cost, the benefits, and how long it will last.

Here are some reasons you’re likely to consider installing vinyl flooring in Pietermaritzburg.

  • It is highly durable and can withstand foot traffic and pressure.
  • This covering is often used in high moisture areas. This makes vinyl flooring in Pietermaritzburg an ideal choice, given the high levels of humidity. It also means you are not curtailed to using a different covering for the laundry room, kitchen or bathroom.
  • It is pet- and baby friendly. It is warm and has a great texture, so is comfortable for your baby, too. You won’t hear the dog’s nails on the floor, thanks to how noise-resistant it is. Scratches do tend to show up though.
  • It is static-resistant. Dust, pet fur and other debri are therefore easy to sweep off or wipe off with a damp cloth.
  • It comes in a wide variety of colour and patterns – if you go to your flooring supplier, you will be amazed at everything that’s available.

There are a few cons though. It is best to make a decision armed with all the information. One of the drawbacks if you want vinyl flooring in Pietermaritzburg but have a busy dog who loves to scratch, it will cause grooves and dents over time. Many pet owners get around this by simply keeping the dog’s nails short, without it being cut too short (your dog has veins in the nails so will bleed and hurt badly if you cut their nails too short). Sharp or unkept high heels may also dent the floor.

However, many home owners still love their vinyl floors because of how easy it is to clean and not having to worry about spillage. Provided you observe the normal rules of caution, any issues with your floor will be kept to a wonderful minimum.
