The advantages of the service

In case you need your windows renovated, but the idea of being near the restoration process terrifies you, Chameleon’s holiday timber window repair service would be the perfect solution.

Plan the cozy days-off with family or friends, and forget about the stresses the repair usually brings. Chameleon will provide you with both perfect refurbished sash window and a calm recreation.

Our team of sash window experts will make your casements look brand new. We offer all types of woodwork and repairs with a usage of top quality wood and auxiliary materials. Even if your window seems extremely old, we guarantee a perfect Victorian sash window restoration, which won’t change the whole design of your house exterior.

This feature also allows our repairmen to complete the work way faster than while the client is around. When the house is empty, our team prolongs the labor hours, as soon as there is no need to fit the repair process in customer’s schedule. Thus, the work is completed almost two times faster.

Sash window maintenance should no longer be your nightmare. Leave your house on Chameleon’s custody, enjoy the rest and then return to see the results of our sash window specialists’ work.

In addition to all said, abandoning your house for a long period is a dangerous idea. An empty house is an easy meal for all sorts of robbers, who won’t snatch an opportunity to rob you. Chameleon workers will take care of your property by looking after it during your vacancy – and by restoring your house front. This is what people call a win-win situation!

To sum up

There are tons of reasons to dislike sash window repairs, but there’s absolutely no reason to put it on the back burner. Contact Chameleon in order to get more information about our service of wooden windows restoration during your holidays!
