It is vital to understand the collective knowledge tells us about the eight x eight rule when it comes to drinking fluids. It means that you should consume at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water on a daily basis.
Overall, that is about two liters of half a gallon of water, which is essential for every single adult person. This particular claim is something that most gurus and health officials state as mandatory consideration for both active and inactive individuals.
It is vital to enter here to see what will happen with the water in this particular season.
However, it is questionable whether you should follow this particular rule or find the balance based on your overall diet, liquid intake, and other factors that will help you make up your mind.
A Brief History Of 8 x 8 Theory
According to one report, this particular theory entered the public back in 1945, when one organization created a report in which they stated that each person should consume at least one milliliter of water per calorie of food.
Therefore, since the overall caloric intake should be two thousand calories, it is vital to consume two thousand milliliters, which is eight glasses of eight ounces.
However, the report stated that we could also consume the same amount of liquids by consuming water-rich foods and other beverages that will enter the total calculation.
On the other hand, the potential origin of this rule is by prominent nutritionist Dr. Frederic Stare who published a book in the mid ‘70s and recommended drinking at least six and up to eight glasses of water per day.
The explanatory statement said that veggies and fruits, as well as other beverages that are high in water, are part of the calculation.
The problem lies in the idea that people tend to neglect the other side of the story and think that eight glasses are a mandatory requirement, even though you consume at least more two liters through other beverages, fruits, and foods.
Check out this website: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/jan/27/the-truth-about-hydration-should-you-drink-eight-glasses-of-water-a-day to determine the truth about hydration.
Relevant Studies and Their Perspective on 8 x 8 Rule
You can find numerous articles, surveys, and studies that feature no scientific evidence that eight glasses of water is an appropriate amount that each adult should consume daily.
Of course, calculating changes depending on both external and internal factors. At the same time, these findings also change based on the weather, season, level of workout and activity, and other things that may determine the overall amount you should consume.
In some situations, water intake tends to increase depending on circumstances. However, both women and men do not need to drink it in large quantities to maintain health, but to follow their thirst as well as other factors.
Of course, another consideration states that if you avoid consuming enough fluids daily, you will enter the point of mild dehydration, which means that you will lose between one and two percent of body weight based on the fluid loss.
This particular condition will lead to severe fatigue, impaired mood, painful headaches, and other problems that you may experience due to it. The best way to avoid this particular problem and to handle the dehydration issue is to follow your built-in instinct called thirst.
At the same time, it is much healthier to follow the thirst than to overthink about the amount you are consuming. Follow your body, and you will not be able to make a mistake.
You Can Hydrate From Other Things You Consume
Most people think that hydration depends only on water intake, but that is not the case. You can consume other beverages as well, such as fruit juice, milk, and it will count in the total amount of fluid that you filled yourself with.
Before finding the top water filters that will help you prevent further health issues, you need to understand the amount of it you should consume daily.
The popular belief states that mild alcoholic drinks such as beer and caffeinated beverages do not contribute to fluid intake. That is not the case unless you overdrink them in general. Have in mind that they tend to act as diuretics if you consume too much of them.
Generally, diuretics will increase overall fluid loss, make you pee more often, which will cause the thirst as a result.
At the same time, food that you eat features significant levels of water, which is why you should consider it as well to avoid overhydration. For instance, vegetables and fruits are high in the water as well as eggs, fish, and meat, among other things.
At the same time, for metabolism processes and for handling nutrients that you consume, your body has to produce a particular amount of water to handle the entire process. It is known as metabolic water.
Generally, drinking beverages and liquids will compensate your 80% need for fluids, while food will provide you up to 30% depending on things that you eat.
If you get a low amount of water from food, then you should increase the beverage intake, which is not the case if you are eating plenty of veggies and fruits daily.