Category: Categorized

Surprising Things That Cause Clogs

Plumbing is messy! We all cringe at the nightmares Plumber professionals face every day. We’re able to tell you that we have pulled every product you could imagine out of pipes and drains, including feminine products and a pair of dentures. From feminine products to a variety of dead rodents and lizards, to feminine products.

Some plumbing issues are inevitable, such as dead pets of lizards and mice. Other problems are caused by common household user errors. This means that people are putting stuff in the toilet when it isn’t necessary. The old saying “Out of sight, out mind” is true. There is a simple solution: Don’t be that person.

This should not be surprising if you aren’t worried about the cost of a plumber. The average job costs $160 to $430, with an hourly rate of $45 to $150. These are just a few of the many things you …

5 Tips When Downsizing To A Smaller Home

When downsizing to a smaller home, it can be difficult to know where to begin in regard to having a successful move. Fortunately, I have written this blog to help alleviate some of the stress that comes with downsizing.

I have put together my top 5 tips when downsizing to a smaller home to help you with the process. I will be going through each tip to break down the process into smaller sections so you can focus on one thing at a time. Whatever stage you are at in the process, this blog will have the right advice for you.

Clear out as much as possible in your current home

When it comes to downsizing, the idea of a smaller space and the real thing is very different, with that in mind you need to make sure you are only taking the essentials with you. In order to do …